Role of a Data Scientist


The 21st century is all about data! Data has become the backbone of all industries, businesses and organisations. It has become an essential part of our daily lives and has allowed us to make better decisions and improve our lives and how we interact with the world. It serves as the foundation for all decisions and has developed into a vital tool for both corporations and governments to maintain competitiveness.

Data is often referred to as the “new oil” because, just like oil, it has the power to fuel growth and drive progress. In today’s digital age, data is being generated at an unprecedented rate, and it has become a valuable commodity for businesses and organisations of all sizes.

What is Data Science?

Data science is the process of using data to gain insights and make decisions. It involves collecting, cleaning, and analysing large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends.

It’s an excellent field involving math and computer skills to find insights and make predictions from data. Imagine you have a big box of puzzle pieces (that’s your data), and your job is to put those pieces together to find a hidden picture (those are your insights). It’s like a treasure hunt, but instead of treasure, you’re finding valuable information that can help businesses, organisations, and even individuals make crucial decisions.

What does Data Scientist do?

Data Scientists are the detectives solving the mystery. The detective (data scientist) collects clues (data), sorts through them to find the important ones, and uses these clues to figure out what happened (gain insights). Now you figured that out. Let’s look at what data scientists do.

Problem statemen

It’s critical to comprehend the issue before coming up with a remedy. The main goal is to determine if your problem is, in fact, a Data Science problem and, if so, what kind. Understanding how to transform a business idea into a clearly defined problem statement has immense benefits. Here are a few data scientist’s problem statements

  • Predict outcomes
  • Categorise data
  • Identify patterns
  • Show correlations

Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering the information needed to address the problem statement. This phase takes the longest since it takes time to collect relevant data.

Depending on the nature of the problem statement, data collection involves gathering data from numerous resources, which can be structured or unstructured.

Data Cleaning

Once it’s collected, the next stage involves sorting out the relevant data, i.e., Data cleaning. It identifies and corrects errors, inconsistencies, and duplicates in data before it is used for analysis and modelling. The objective of data cleaning is to improve the quality and reliability of data so that it is suitable for analysis and decision-making.

Some of the steps involved in the Data cleaning process are

  • Remove irrelevant data
  • Standardise capitalisation
  • Convert data type
  • Handling outliers
  • Fix errors
  • Language Translation
  • Handle missing values

Data Analysis

Once the data is collected and cleaned, the next stage is data analysis. Data scientists need to be knowledgeable about different modelling approaches and data analysis techniques for machine learning and deep learning algorithms. A data scientist must comprehend an algorithm’s mathematical formula to understand how different algorithms work. This will also make it simpler to select an algorithm that will work with the data.

The next phase involves testing and evaluating the model. A data scientist must understand the various model evaluation metrics, which are then assessed for their feasibility and predictive accuracy.


Data Scientists use various tools and techniques like statistical analysis, machine learning, and visualisation to understand data. It’s a pretty in-demand field, too, with many job opportunities for those with the right mix of technical skills and creativity. So, if you love problem-solving, enjoy working with numbers and computers, and want to make a real impact, then data science might be the perfect field for you!

Top Data Structure Interview Questions: For Freshers


Proficiency in Data Structures is a must-have for any well-qualified software developer. Most of the product-based companies search for candidates with a strong understanding of Data Structures, since it is the building block to develop any software. The need for Data Structures is at an all-time high, as it has become inevitable in almost all industries. Hence to ace your interviews easily, you must know these top DSA questions.

For an exploring fresher, we recommend you to have knowledge on the top demand jobs of this decade to make yourself prepared.

What are Data Structures?

There are various types of data such as integer, character, string, boolean, enum and array. The computer interprets a value based on the datatype in which it is stored.

Once the data is stored, we need a way to manipulate it to solve the problems. Data Structures is a format that helps to store and organize data in an efficient way. This helps to increase the overall code performance by establishing relationships among the data sets. Arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees and graphs are some of the data structure types.

Data Structures Interview Questions

Now let us take a look at some of the important data structure questions that will be asked in any interview.

1. List some of the applications of Data Structures

Data structures aid in managing, accessing, and manipulating large amounts of information. In this data-centric world, they are essential in nearly all industries. Some of the key areas where they are utilized include:

  • Blockchain
  • OS Development
  • Database Design
  • Complier Design
  • Machine Learning
  • Financial Systems
  • Image Processing
  • Video Games
  • Web Search Engines
  • Artificial Intelligence

2. How do you categorize linear and non-linear data structures?

In a linear data structure, the data elements are arranged in a sequential manner. One data element will be connected to its previous and/or next element in a linear fashion. There are no multiple relationships between elements and hence the traversal through data can be carried out only in a single run.

Array, queue, linked list and stack are some of the examples of a linear data structure.

Non-linear data structures are the opposite of what we said about linear data structures. The elements are connected in a hierarchical manner and hence their implementation is more complex. There is no memory wastage here.

Graphs and trees are non-linear data structures.

3. What is the difference between file structure and storage structure?

File Structure: A file structure representation is the process of converting data into a form that can be stored in a secondary memory device such as a hard disk or a pen drive. The stored data remains unchanged until it is manually deleted.

Storage Structure: Storage structure stores the data in computer memory that is, RAM. It is not permanent and gets erased as the function that uses this data executes.

4. What are the operations that can be performed on data structure types?

Traversing: Visiting the elements of data structure in a systematic manner.

Searching: Locating the required element in the data structure.

Inserting: Adding an element anywhere inside the data structure. In stack, it is called push and in queue it is called enqueue.

Deleting: Removing an element from the given data structure. In stack, it is called pop and in queue it is called dequeue.

Sorting: Arranging elements of a data structure in ascending or descending order.

Updating: Updating the value or replace an element in a data structure.

5. What is a linked list?

A linked list is a linear data structure in which each element, called a node, contains a reference (or “link”) to the next node in the sequence. The last node in the linked list typically has a link to null, indicating the end of the list.

Linked lists have several advantages over arrays, including dynamic sizing and efficient insertions and deletions. Linked lists can also be easily implemented in a variety of programming languages, making them a common data structure for a wide range of applications.

6. What are the types of linked lists?

Singly Linked Lists – each node contains a reference to the next node

Doubly Linked Lists – each node contains references to both the next and previous nodes.

Circular Linked Lists – the last node contains a reference to the first node

7. How linked lists differ from arrays?

  Array Linked List
Structure Elements are stored in consecutive memory locations. Collection of nodes, where each node contains a reference (or “link”) to the next node in the sequence
Access Time Constant time complexity of O(1) to access an element. Time complexity of O(n) for searching elements.
Size Have a fixed size, determined at the time of allocation. Grows dynamically as elements are added or removed.
Insertion/Deletion Time consuming as it requires shifting all the elements after the insertion/deletion point. Average time complexity of O(1) for inserting and deleting elements, as only the links between the nodes need to be updated.
Memory utilization Ineffective as we allocate the size during declaration Effective as the size adapts during runtime

8. When do we use linked list?

We use linked lists when

  • The size of data is not known in advance
  • Faster insertion and deletion are required
  • Less number of random-access operations are involved
  • There is a large number of add or remove operations
  • We have to perform arithmetic operations on long integers
  • We need to manipulate polynomials

9. How do stack and queue work?

A stack is a linear data structure in which elements can be added or removed only from the top. A stack follows the LIFO – Last In First Out principle meaning, the element that was added last is the first to come out.

A queue is a linear data structure in which elements can be inserted only from the rear, and can be removed only from the front. A queue follows the FIFO – First In First Out principle meaning, the element inserted at first is the first to be removed.

10. Where do we see stack and queue in real life?

Stack in real life:

  1. Pile of Books
  2. Women’s Bangles
  3. Floors in a Building
  4. Stack of Plates in a cupboard
  5. Cars parked in a narrow driveway

Queue in real life:

  1. Waiting line
  2. Car wash line
  3. Vehicles in a Traffic Signal
  4. People in an escalator

11. Explain hashmap data structure

A Hash Map (also known as Hash Table) is a data structure that allows you to store key-value pairs and efficiently retrieve the value associated with a given key. A real-world example for hashmap would be when you store your bags in a cloak room and get a token for the spot where you have stored. You will be able to retrieve your baggage only using the token.


There goes the top data structure questions and answers to ace your interview. Sandbox Environments are an ideal place to start practicing what you have learnt. If you are learning on your own, you can use an auto-evaluation supported sandbox like neocoder.

The Great Resignation: How to retain employees

In recent months, there has been a growing trend known as the “Great Resignation” where employees are quitting their jobs in record numbers. This trend is happening across various industries and is creating a significant challenge for employers to retain their best talent. In this blog, we will explore what the Great Resignation is, why it is happening, and what employers can do to retain their best employees.

What is the Great Resignation?

The Great Resignation refers to the wave of employees quitting their jobs and seeking new opportunities. According to a report by Microsoft, more than 40% of the global workforce is considering leaving their current employer this year. This trend is not limited to a specific industry, as employees across various sectors are feeling burnt out and seeking better opportunities.

Why is it happening?

There are several reasons for the Great Resignation. Firstly, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, and many employees are looking for more flexibility in their work arrangements. The pandemic has also caused a shift in priorities, with many employees placing a higher value on work-life balance and their mental health.

Secondly, many employees are feeling burnt out due to increased workloads and longer working hours. Remote work has also blurred the line between work and home life, leading to an “always on” mentality that is taking a toll on employees’ well-being.

Thirdly, there is a growing dissatisfaction with compensation and benefits packages. Employees are looking for better pay, improved benefits, and more job security.

What can employers do to retain the best talent?

Retaining top talent is critical for any organization’s success, and employers need to take action to retain their best employees. Here are some strategies employers can use to retain their top talent:

Provide opportunities for growth and development:

Employees are more likely to stay with an employer if they feel there is a path for growth and development within the organization. Employers should invest in their employees’ training and development, offering opportunities for upskilling and career advancement. This can include offering mentorship programs, tuition reimbursement, and leadership training.

Create a positive work environment:

A positive work environment can go a long way in retaining employees. Employers should focus on creating a workplace culture that promotes collaboration, inclusivity, and work-life balance. Offering employee wellness programs and flexible work arrangements can also help create a positive work environment.

Offer competitive compensation and benefits:

Compensation and benefits packages are crucial in retaining top talent. Employers should regularly review and benchmark their compensation packages against industry standards to ensure they are competitive. Employers should also offer attractive benefits packages, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. Additionally, employers should consider offering non-traditional benefits such as flexible schedules, telecommuting options, and childcare assistance.

Recognize and reward employees:

Employees who feel recognized and appreciated are more likely to stay with an employer. Employers should regularly recognize and reward employees for their contributions, both formally and informally. This can include bonuses, promotions, and public recognition of their achievements. Employers should also consider offering incentive programs to motivate and retain employees.

Foster open communication:

Effective communication is essential in retaining employees. Employers should foster open communication channels, allowing employees to provide feedback and express their concerns. Employers should also be transparent about company goals, strategies, and decision-making processes. This can include regular town hall meetings, employee surveys, and open-door policies.

Build a diverse and inclusive workplace:

Employees are more likely to stay with an employer that values diversity and inclusivity. Employers should focus on building a diverse and inclusive workplace, ensuring all employees feel valued and respected. This can include offering diversity and inclusion training, creating employee resource groups, and regularly evaluating diversity metrics.


The Great Resignation is a significant challenge for employers, and retaining top talent is critical for any organization’s success. Employers should focus on creating a positive work environment, offering growth opportunities, competitive compensation and benefits, recognizing and rewarding employees, fostering open communication, and building a diverse and inclusive workplace. By taking action to retain their best employees, employers can ensure their organizations continue to thrive in a rapidly changing business landscape.

Download the inclusive L&D framework report to learn more about the personalized training programs you can offer to retain the top talents.

How are Virtual Interviews transforming Hiring Process in today’s Recruitment Landscape? 


Virtual Interviews – The latest hiring trend

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a huge transformation in all facets of life. From social to work, uncertainty has been an unavoidable element of routine. This uncertainty has had an impact on all industries, and the recruitment and HR industry is no exception. With remote working becoming the new norm, recruiting teams have accepted VIRTUAL HIRING as a new way to recruit, hire, and retain qualified personnel. Organizations have rapidly adopted virtual hiring, which replaces the conventional hiring process. 

With the constant transitions in the recruitment industry, it’s no doubt that virtual interviews are the way of the future. They provide several advantages, such as reducing no-shows, providing flexibility, enhancing safety, saving resources, broadening the talent pool, assessing applicants’ technical abilities, and so much more. With all these benefits, it is no surprise that virtual interviews are becoming increasingly popular among employers and job seekers. Get ready to dive deep and unravel the significant benefits of virtual interviews. 



Listing out the Top Six Benefits of Virtual Interviews 

Greater candidate pool: Virtual hiring allows companies to reach a much larger pool of potential candidates, regardless of location. Recruiters are no longer limited to the confines of one region when seeking the ideal employee. With the fading of geographical limitations and the increasing adoption of virtual hiring, recruiters can now look to a wider field of talent and bring the right person to the organization, no matter where they are. This not only broadens the range of individuals available but also provides the opportunity to cultivate a more diverse and multicultural workforce. 

Saves recruiters’ time: Virtual hiring can save recruiters time in several ways. One way is by allowing them to conduct initial screenings and interviews remotely, which eliminates the need for in-person meetings. This can save time in terms of both scheduling and travel. Additionally, virtual hiring platforms often include tools for scheduling, tracking, and managing candidate communications, which can streamline the recruitment process and reduce the time recruiters need to spend on administrative tasks. Additionally, it also allows reaching a larger pool of candidates and the ability to automate repetitive tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on more critical tasks such as identifying top talent. 

Cost savings: Several companies today are decreasing their recruitment and hiring activities during this time, but that may change as the economy improves in the future. Virtual hiring can make it easier and more cost-effective to accommodate hiring highs and lows. Utilizing scheduling and assessment software is much more affordable than hiring additional members for the talent acquisition team. Virtual hiring eliminates the need for expensive recruiting trips and on-site interviews, saving companies on travel and lodging expenses, which can add up quickly.  

Increased flexibility: Virtual interviews also allow for greater flexibility in the interview process itself. Candidates can take the interview from a location of their choice, and employers can include a wider range of team members in the interview process. This allows for a more thorough evaluation of the candidate and can increase the chances of finding the best fit for the company. Virtual hiring enables easier communication between parties, as they can use video conferencing and instant messaging tools to communicate in real-time. Virtual hiring can save time by allowing companies to conduct interviews, assessments, and reference checks simultaneously, speeding up the hiring process. 

Unbiased hiring: Organizations can diminish the possibility of conscious and unintentional biases in the recruitment process by using virtual hiring tools. AI-tools-powered hiring techniques can be programmed to disregard demographic specifics, including race, gender, and age. Another advantage of virtual interviews is their ability to create a more level playing field for candidates. In-person interviews can be affected by a candidate’s appearance, physical presence, or other diverse factors. Virtual interviews remove these factors, allowing the interviewer to focus on the candidate’s skills and qualifications. This can help to reduce unconscious bias and create a more diverse and inclusive hiring process. 

Better candidate experience: Virtual hiring can make the application and interview process more comfortable and less stressful for candidates, resulting in a better candidate experience overall. This can help attract top talent and improve the company’s reputation as an employer. 

Final thoughts: 

In conclusion, virtual interviews have transformed the hiring process by increasing convenience, creating a more level playing field for candidates, and allowing for greater flexibility in the interview process. While there are challenges to virtual interviews, companies can take steps to overcome them and ensure a successful hiring process. As technology advances, virtual interviews will likely become even more prevalent in the hiring process. Hence, companies must embrace this new way of conducting interviews to have a competitive edge in finding the best candidates for their organization. 

Marketing cheat sheet for organizing Hackathon


Promoting hackathons is a crucial element that should be a priority for every organization, but it often receives less attention. To get a good outreach, a dedicated marketing team takes complete responsibility for formulating strategies to reach as many people as possible, focusing on the right audience for the event. In this read, we’ll look into some proven strategies that can be implemented in your next hackathon event,

Strategizing Hackathon through Marketing

  • Dedicated Marketing Team – When it comes to promotion, there are broader audiences, but it’s also essential to identify the right set of audiences. A dedicated team that exclusively focuses on strategizing and planning the promotional campaign should be deployed. To ensure the intended adverts reach the right people, the marketing team takes complete responsibility for formulating strategies to get as many people as possible, focusing on the right audience for the event.
  • Tailored content and design team – Every organization has unique requirements, and a team committed to making tailored content should be deployed to support this. Also, the design team helps you create content that suits your organization in designing the posters and catchy phrases for promotion for the event. 
  • Social Media Campaigns – In today’s digital era, you can’t imagine a promotional campaign without social media being a part of it. Uninterrupted social media campaigns (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook etc.) are to run across various platforms to foster engagement and enhance outreach. Different ads are promoted based on user behaviour by identifying where your targeted community hangs out.
  • Targeting colleges and Universities – Considering that targeted audiences are from colleges, it would be outright to promote the event in the right colleges to reach out to a more significant number of audiences. With intended audiences primarily being students, tools like neohire assist you in reaching out to universities directly through their campus connections and help you reach over 2000+ colleges across India. 

The significance of Dashboard in Hackathons

Dashboards are essential for analyzing critical metrics while monitoring performance in real time. This offers a visual representation of a metric’s in-depth progress and growth over time. With Dashboards, you have complete visibility into the event at every stage, allowing you to track progress in real-time. Here are a few dashboards that e

Registration Dashboard

To get a complete picture of the registration progress, it’s essential to use a dashboard to track and fully control the registration flow in real time. The Registration dashboard offers a graphical view of the registered candidates used to view the key metrics and track areas that need improvement. Some of the metrics that can be tracked using this dashboard are

  • Total Registrations
  • Geographical area
  • Colleges reached
  • Degree wise

Live Dashboards for coding contests

An efficient way of presenting data that is easy to track the candidate’s performance in real-time is live dashboards, providing admin with critical data. It offers a variety of individual-specific insights that are not limited to attendance, performance, and participation. You have complete authority over the candidate’s test, varying from video proctoring to terminating the test.


Although there are numerous methods to promote a hackathon event, these are some of the effective techniques that have been proven to attract a larger audience and actively engage with them. If you’re looking to promote or host your hackathon, Neohire can assist you to do it on its feature-rich platform.

Will Online Assessments be the future of Interview Process?


In the current job market, online assessments have become an important part of the interview process. As the number of job applicants is increasing every year, E-assessments are making it easier for hiring managers to evaluate the candidates. Online Assessments are gaining dominance over traditional in-person interviews and they are likely to play an even bigger role in the interview process in the future.

Online Assessments in Interview



Benefits of Online Assessments


Expanded Talent Pool

One major benefit of e-assessments is that they can be administered remotely, which means that employers are not restricted to the talents available to a particular region. This is particularly useful in today’s globalized job market, where it is becoming increasingly common for companies to hire remote workers or to work with international partners. Also, anyone who is interested to join your company can give it a try, which increases your diversity quotient.


E-assessments results in a more objective and standardized method of evaluating candidates. With standard questions and a common grading system, recruiters can ensure that all the candidates are evaluated fairly and the best candidate is selected. The company also holds proof that there was no bias in the hiring process for future legal concerns, if any.

Positive Candidate Feedback

Online assessments eliminate all the hassles and waiting the candidates have to go through in an in-person interview. They can focus and ace the interview in the comfort of their homes. E-assessments also give the candidates a feeling of satisfaction and trust in the employer since they all have been evaluated fairly. This ensures more number and better-prepared applicants in the subsequent interviews.

No Logistics Cost

Since through e-assessments, candidates can give an interview from anywhere using their own computers, the logistics cost of the hiring process is greatly cut down. This can include costs such as travel expenses for the interviewer and the candidate, lodging, meals, and any equipment or materials needed for the interview.


In conclusion, e-assessments have proven to be a valuable tool for employers in evaluating job candidates. Especially when it comes to screening a large number of candidates, they have proven to be efficient, cost-effective, and objective.

But they cannot be used single-handedly to find the most suitable candidates. Online assessments are not sufficient to check the communication skills, attitude, cultural fit and spontaneity of a candidate. Also, e-assessments come with the risk of compromise in authenticity.

Hence, they should be used along with other methods of evaluation, such as group discussions, interviews, reference checks, and work samples. It is also highly critical to use e-assessment tools that are robust and secure. Look for an online assessment platform in the market that comes with,

  • Security certification
  • AI proctoring
  • Cloud hosting
  • Auto-code evaluators
  • Plagiarism checker
  • Data-driven dashboards
  • Features to prevent malpractices

The future of technology holds a large number of opportunities and e-assessments will likely play an even bigger role in the interview process. Instead of solely depending on them, employers should use online assessments to strengthen their interview process. To power up and automate your hiring process, collaborate with neohire.

5 Talent Onboarding Trends for 2023


Talent onboarding is an essential process for any organization that aims to bring in new employees and integrate them into the company culture, goals, and values. With the rapid pace of technological advancements, the traditional methods of onboarding have undergone a significant transformation, and the latest trends in talent onboarding have emerged to keep up with the changing times. So in this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the latest trends used in talent onboarding and why they matter.

Virtual Onboarding

With the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift towards remote work, virtual onboarding has become the norm for many organizations. Virtual onboarding refers to the use of digital tools and technology to facilitate the onboarding process for remote employees. This trend has become increasingly popular, with many organizations recognizing the benefits of virtual onboarding, including cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and convenience.

Virtual onboarding typically involves a combination of video conferencing, online training, and digital forms to provide new hires with all the information they need to get started in their new roles. This process also helps employees to connect with their new colleagues, despite not being physically present in the same location.

Personalized Onboarding

Personalized onboarding is another trend that has emerged in recent years. This approach to onboarding involves tailoring the process to meet the unique needs and preferences of each new hire. This could include customized training programs, individualized feedback, and one-on-one sessions with mentors or managers.

Personalized onboarding has several benefits, including improved employee engagement and satisfaction, reduced turnover rates, and increased productivity. By tailoring the onboarding process to the individual, new hires are able to integrate into the company culture and feel more confident in their new roles.


Gamification is a trend that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This approach involves incorporating elements of gaming into the onboarding process, such as quizzes, challenges, and interactive activities. This makes the process more engaging and fun.

Further, gamification is a useful tool for companies that want to make their onboarding process more memorable and enjoyable for new hires. By providing a fun and interactive experience, companies can improve employee engagement and help new hires to better understand the company culture and goals.

Social Onboarding

Social onboarding is a trend that focuses on using social media and other digital tools to help new hires get to know their colleagues and familiarize themselves with the company culture. This approach involves creating online communities, such as Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups, where new hires can connect with each other and other employees.

Social onboarding is an effective way to build a sense of community and improve employee engagement. By providing new hires with a platform to connect with others, organizations can help to reduce feelings of isolation and promote a more inclusive work environment.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are rapidly changing the way organizations approach talent onboarding. Organizations can use AI-powered tools to automate many of the manual tasks involved in the onboarding process, such as scheduling interviews, collecting and analyzing data, and providing feedback.

Customized and personalized onboarding experiences for new hires can also be provided using ML. For example, an AI-powered onboarding system could analyze an employee’s skills, interests, and work style to determine the best training and development programs for them.

AI and ML have the potential to significantly streamline the onboarding process and improve its efficiency. Hence by automating repetitive tasks and providing personalized experiences, organizations can ensure that their new hires are given the support they need to succeed in their new roles.


In conclusion, talent onboarding is an ever-evolving process that is essential for the success of any organization. With the latest trends in technology, it is now possible to deliver a more efficient, engaging, and personalized experience for new hires. Whether it’s through virtual onboarding, personalized training programs, gamification, social onboarding, or the use of AI and ML, organizations can take various measures to onboard new employees effectively. These measures can help new employees integrate into the company culture, values, and goals. The onboarding process can equip new employees with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their new roles.

By embracing these trends, organizations can create an environment where new hires feel valued, supported, and connected to their colleagues, helping to reduce turnover rates and improve employee engagement. With the right approach to talent onboarding, organizations can ensure that their new hires become productive and valuable members of their team, contributing to the overall success of the company.

Download the inclusive L&D framework report to learn more about the personalized training programs you can offer.

Virtual Internship Platform


What is a Virtual Internship?

A Virtual Internship software is used for retaining graduates while acquiring on-the-job experience in a professional environment without going onsite.

The need for virtual internship software

The global pandemic brought significant changes in the industry, and with the rise in digital technology, it’s vital to make graduates job ready from day one. Graduates must be updated on the latest technologies as the demand for niche skills skyrockets constantly. To bridge the gap and enhance the offer-to-joining ratio, organizations offer internships to students in their sophomore year, allocate projects, and let them innovate and develop new solutions through virtual internships. Allowing businesses to acquire diverse talent and build a sustainable Hiring pipeline.

How does the Software Work?

Virtual Internships softwares are custom-built Developer LMS Softwares that offer a wide array of project-based challenges and exercises for graduates to innovate solutions and get them job-ready. This will streamline the graduate thought process and lets employers train their next-gen coders. A well-built virtual internship software allows you

  • Generates new sources for permanent employees
  • Generate Higher Retention rates
  • Source new ideas and approaches to problems
  • Builds a sustainable hiring pipeline

Retain the best talent, Crowdsource the best ideas

One of the most significant advantages of virtual internships is flexibility. Don’t let the long list of constraints, such as relocation, commute issues, lack of brand awareness, etc., restricts candidates from applying/turning up for offline Internships. Because they can be done from anywhere with an internet connection, virtual interns can work from home. This allows them to fit their internship into their existing schedule rather than rearranging their lives to accommodate a traditional internship.

Access to a broader pool of resources

A wider pool of potential interns is also accessible through virtual internships. Virtual internships can draw candidates from all over the world, not just those who reside in the same region as the business because they can be completed anywhere. This may result in a more varied set of interns, which might be advantageous to both the company and the interns.


Another advantage of virtual internships is cost-effectiveness. Traditional internships often require interns to relocate or commute, which can be expensive. With a virtual internship, however, interns can save money on things like housing, transportation, and meals. Furthermore, companies offering virtual internships save office space and other infrastructure costs. Remote internships can help interns develop skills such as time management, self-motivation, and communication which are essential for success in a remote work environment.


Compared to traditional internships, virtual internships have various benefits, including flexibility, time management, cost efficiency, access to a larger pool of potential interns, and a more remote and adaptable work environment. They are an excellent option for interns seeking to develop the necessary experience and skills.


7 Innovative Strategies for a Successful Campus Recruitment


Why do you need to hire on campus?

Due to the shortage of talent, filling entry-level positions has become a significant challenge for companies worldwide, and it has been identified as the top emerging risk. As a result, more employers are turning to college campuses to source potential candidates from the large talent pool. For companies with a high demand for recruiting, developing a campus recruitment strategy is the most sensible way for attracting the best candidates.

To know more about the major recruitment trends of 2023, visit our blog.

What is the current status of campus talents?

The talent pool of campus recruitment 2023 is highly diverse and competitive. With more and more students graduating each year and seeking employment, employers are facing a larger pool of potential candidates to choose from. This means that companies need to be strategic and innovative in their approach to campus hiring in order to stand out and attract the best talent.

Right now, Gen Z is an important demographic in campus recruitment and they occupy the highest share in the talent pool. Employers that are successful in attracting and retaining them will need to have a strong digital presence, focus on purpose and social impact, and be able to articulate their mission and values.

Campus recruitment strategies

1. Branding and Awareness

By creating a strong brand and increasing awareness, companies establish the image and reputation of an organization in the minds of potential job candidates. A strong brand can also help to differentiate the company from its competitors and establish it as a desirable employer, leading to a stronger and more productive talent pipeline. There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to building brand awareness.

  • Design engagement campaigns
  • Clearly communicate company values and mission
  • Conduct extensive email and SMS outreach to prospects
  • Provide updates on events, assessments, or links to enhance their exposure during the recruitment process.

2. Virtual Drives

Virtual campus recruitment refers to the process of recruiting students and recent graduates through virtual events, such as webinars, video conferences, or online assessments, rather than in-person events. Virtual Drives are effective way of recruiting since it can be conducted from anywhere and opens up the possibility for a global talent pool. It eliminates the logistics costs associated with any conventional hiring drive and hence stays pocket-friendly.

3. ATS

Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software used in the recruitment process to manage and automate the hiring process. Campus hiring often involves receiving a large volume of applications, and an ATS can help manage and organize this data, saving time and effort. ATS can automate many aspects of the recruitment process, such as candidate screening, scheduling interviews, and tracking candidate status, making the process more efficient. By using an ATS in campus hiring strategy, organizations can ultimately lead to a more efficient and effective hiring process.

4. Analyze as you progress

At every stage of your hiring process, measure your efforts and progress. This will help you figure our what is working and what is not. Also, it is essential to keep track of the candidate status at each stage to make an informed decision about your hiring strategy. This will also help you keep both the candidates and the organization well informed.

5. Rediscover Candidates

It is possible to miss out on qualified candidates. Maintaining a database of previous campus drive applicants and utilizing AI-powered tools to search for eligible candidates from that database can reduce your dependency on external job boards. By revisiting a pool of previously screened candidates, you can save time and resources that would have otherwise been spent on attracting and reviewing new candidates.

6. Pre-Onboarding Engagements

Don’t wait until the joining date to engage a new hire; keep them excited and anticipated from the day of hiring. It is commonly observed that new hires can lose interest and even not show up during the waiting period prior to joining a company.

You can keep them engaged by exposing them to your company cultures and mission. Let them have a better understanding of their job responsibility by giving them a chance to connect with the current employees. Get them started on the paperwork and also collect feedback on the hiring process. Invite them for an office campus tour or a hangout. This will give them a sense of belonging and familiarity at the time of joining.

7. Assess the efforts

Last but not least, thoroughly assess the results of your campus drive. Evaluating the efforts and progress made during each successful campus hiring can lead to an even more successful one in the future. Utilizing AI-powered software to assess your campus hiring strategies will ensure that you can maintain and build upon your success.

Digital Transformation in IT recruitment


The world of recruitment is shifting rapidly. Digital transformation is revolutionizing businesses, and the IT industry is no exception. Companies are now focusing on building an attractive talent pool for the next phase of digital disruption by incorporating new technology and processes into the recruitment process. With the advent of Digital technology, it’s never been more important for recruiters to have the right tools and resources to succeed.

Let’s examine the recruitment practices in the IT industry in the 1990s and how they have changed due to digital transformation.

IT recruitment in the 90s

There was significant demand for talent during the 1990s as the IT industry was expanding quickly. However, the hiring procedure for IT positions was very dissimilar from now. The internet was less widely available than now, meaning job seekers had to rely on more traditional methods of finding job openings.

At that time, recruiters would get offline resumes in the mail, scan them using software, and enter the information into a database. It also includes placing classified advertising in newspapers and journals and attending job fairs and networking events. In contrast to submitting a resume online through a job portal, resumes were usually sent or given in person to the company. As a result, applying for a job could take a lot of work.

The Decade of Noughties (2000-2009)

With the internet booming and then came websites for everything. Recruiters started posting online job boards while waiting for people to apply online. Online recruitment boards began to grow and evolved into the current recruitment landscape. 

 Another popular method of recruitment was through recruitment agencies. These agencies would act as intermediaries between companies looking to hire IT professionals and job seekers looking for IT positions. Recruitment agencies typically have a database of candidates and match them with available work based on their skills and experience.

Social recruiting era

The rise of social media paved a new path for recruiters, as social media has become an essential tool for recruiting and hiring top talent. With a vast pool of potential candidates at their fingertips, companies can easily connect with professionals in their industry, advertise open positions, and attract top candidates through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

In today’s digital age, One of the significant advantages of recruiting through social media is the ability to target specific groups of people. Companies can use hashtags and targeted advertising to reach specific demographics, such as recent college graduates or experienced professionals in a particular field. Allowing recruiters to narrow their search and find the best candidates for their open positions.

Social media allows companies to showcase their culture and values, attracting candidates seeking a company that aligns with their personal goals. By sharing company updates and content, recruiters can provide candidates with a glimpse into the company culture and attract those who fit it. Social media recruitment offers an efficient and cost-effective way to connect with and screen candidates. Instead of spending time and resources on job fairs or resume databases, recruiters can use social media to quickly and easily connect with candidates.

Malpractice during assessments has been drastically reduced since the inception of AI in recruitment. AI-based proctoring tools have come up in large numbers to assist recruiters in identifying potential resources and eliminate candidates that indulge in malpractices.

Additionally, artificial intelligence (AI) in IT recruitment has become increasingly popular in recent years, allowing companies to automate certain aspects of the hiring process and find the best candidates for their open roles. AI-powered recruitment tools such as neohire can analyze resumes and job descriptions to identify the most qualified candidates, saving time and resources for recruiters. 


Overall, digital transformation transforms IT recruitment by making it more efficient, effective, and convenient. By leveraging social media and AI, businesses are transforming recruitment with the newfound channel and cutting-edge technology. Companies that embrace these technologies will be well-positioned to find and hire the best talent in the industry.